Up to two papers /opinions, statements/ can be presented at the conference – either personally or in co-authorship.
The maximum length of papers should not exceed 8 pages.
Papers should be prepared in Bulgarian or English in accordance with the requirements and the template, which can be downloaded here:
The paper should be sent to the e-mail: [email protected] or via the conference website – “Registration form”, accompanied by a scanned copy of the fee payment document.
Only papers that meet the pre-announced requirements and do not exceed the maximum length will be accepted. All published papers will be peer-reviewed by established and leading experts in the relevant scientific field, included in the Scientific Committee. The authors are responsible for the content of the paper.
The papers shall be published in the periodical “The Law and the Business in the Contemporary Society” with ISSN 2603-5073, which is listed in the National Reference List of NACID. After printing of the proceedings, steps will be taken for its indexing.
Regulations for presentation of the paper: