Conference Topics

Has there ever been a time when the marketing world has changed so much in such a short time? Over the past two years, the world has shifted dramatically to adjust to the requirements of operating during a global pandemic. That has included consumer behavior, marketing trends, Web 3.0, and all that is impacting the ways marketing teams operate in today’s business environment. These trends and challenges call for remarketing strategies in B2B, B2C, and B2G markets. The thematic areas of the conference try to cover these changes with their challenges, as well as the opportunities they offer.

B2B, B2C, and B2G Remarketing

Marketing is changing faster than ever. The first principle of marketing is the principle of customer value. A top priority for marketers is to understand and map the customer journey and then to identify the benefits the firm can provide that customers are willing to pay for irrespective of the sector (B2B, B2C or B2G). Fueled by media convergence, consumption of information across multiple platforms and devices, increased viewer information and targeting capabilities, and rapid changes in the markets for advertising and customer analytics continue to evolve and change.

B2B, B2C, and B2G Remarketing Conference Panel aims to provide a background for discussion on the following questions:

  • How do we keep a focus on long-term value creation in a data-driven world?
  • How does the increasingly complex marketing ecosystem affect the customer journey?
  • How should the communication message vary across the conversion funnel and communication channels?
  • How to optimize media strategy?
  • What are the most effective strategies to drive deeper, lasting customer engagement/loyalty with the firm?
  • How do customer KPIs translate into internal KPIs?
  • Which KPIs/metrics should be used to guide marketing strategy?
  • How should firms cope with small new entrants threatening market share?
  • How should firms integrate consumer strategies globally?
  • How to manage brands in times of crisis?
  • How to manage brand experience and promotion across the customer journey?
  • How the customer-technology interface affects marketing mix strategy?
  • How to manage distribution and demand across channels?
  • What are the new business models affecting marketing?

Societal Remarketing

In today’s world of increasing environmental destruction, scarcity of resources, rapidly increasing population, and abandoned social services. the societal concept of marketing is doubted. It is questioned that “Are organizations doing an outstanding task of customer satisfaction in line with meeting long run societal welfare?”.

Societal Remarketing Conference Panel aims to provide a background for discussion on the following questions:

  • What is the responsibility of marketing in creating sustainable and society-relevant marketing strategies?
  • Are cause and green marketing effective? When do these strategies work and how?
  • Are there ethical issues that companies need to address as they develop strategies to maximize customer lifetime value and treat customers deferentially?
  • How to measure the value of sustainable marketing initiatives?
  • What is the impact on the company of its position on sustainability, cause marketing and responsibility?

Marketing Transformations

The pandemic brought on by COVID-19 has wrought incredible change to the global economy that will likely have long-term effects on consumer behavior, the marketplace, branding, and communication strategies, market regulation and public policy, global business and more. We are just beginning to see these effects and they offer many opportunities for new research.

Marketing Transformations Conference Panel aims to provide a background for discussion on the following questions:

  • What is the role of marketing in helping organizations anticipate and prepare for “black swan” events?
  • How can marketing help organizations adapt after such events?
  • How will consumer behavior change in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic (e.g., the “virtualization” of products, services, and customer experience, expectations for corporate social responsibility, etc.)?
  • How will the COVID-19 pandemic affect the globalization of markets and supply chains?
  • What are the new business models affecting marketing (e.g. the sharing/gig economy, new distribution channels, subscription services, “as a service” offers, etc.)?
  • What new technologies (e.g., automation/robotics, AI, IoT, 5G, voice activation, virtual/augmented reality, etc.) are creating challenges and opportunities for marketing?