Conference languages:
- English
- Bulgarian
Participation Details
- Maximum volume of papers: 8 standard pages, including abstracts, keywords, formulas, tables, figures, and cited sources.
- Each author can submit only one single paper and one co-authored paper.
- The papers must be submitted within the specified deadline via e-mail [email protected] or via the website application form.
- Papers are subject to review.
Paper Requirements
- Page format: А4, Orientation: Portrait; Margins: Top – 2 cm, Bottom – 2 cm, Left – 3 cm, Right – 2 cm. Page numbering – bottom, centred;
- Title: capital letters, bold, Times New Roman, 14 pt, centred;
- Academic title, degree, author’s name and surname: below the title, italic, centred, Times New Roman, 12pt;
- Institutional Affiliation: below the title and the name of author, italic.
- Abstract: up to 7-8 lines (800-1000 characters), one blank line under the institutional affiliation, font size 10 pt, italic;
- Keywords: font size 10 pt, italic;
- JEL Code: font size 10 pt, italic;
- Body text: one line spacing below the JEL code, justified. Font: Times New Roman, size 12 pt, Line Spacing: 1, Paragraph spacing: 6pt before and 0pt after, Spеcial first line: 0,5cm;
- Figures: positioned at the right place in the text, centred; when imported files are used, the file should be provided in jpg format; figure titles should be numbered, positioned below the figure, bold, centred;
- Tables: positioned at the right place in the text, centred; title should be positioned above the table, numbered, italic, right alignment;
- Citation: Harvard referencing;
- File name: Thematic heading number, first and last name of the author of the report, separated by a slash. Example: 2_Ivan_Petrov.doc.