Submitted manuscripts are subjected to an initial assessment for compliance with technical layout requirements and for consistency with the aims and scope of the journal.

If the requirements are met, manuscripts are sent anonymously to two independent reviewers (double-blind) and after receiving the reviews, the Editorial Board decides whether to accept or reject the manuscript. In case of opposing opinions of the reviewers, the Editor-in-Chief appoints a third reviewer for arbitration.

If the manuscript is accepted for publication with reviewer’s notes, it is necessary for the reviewers to confirm the correctness of the changes made.

Reviewers are obliged to respect the principle of confidentiality and to notify the Editor-in-Chief if a conflict of interest is identified.

After approval for publication, the author receives an e-mail notification that includes information about which issue the article will be published in.

To standardize the review process and approval of manuscripts for publication, reviewers use a standard review form.