The conference proceedings (ISSN 2815-5084) are published by the University of Economics – Varna publishing house “Science and Economics” and indexed in: Google Scholar, RePEc and the national reference list of contemporary Bulgarian scientific journals with scientific review through the National Center for Information and Documentation. Citations of all papers is with their English titles and names of their authors in Latin script.

National Round Table 2019
“Sustainable Human Resource Management In The Contemporary Economic Reality”


International Scientific-Practical Conference 2020
“Human Resource Management In The Age Of Digital Challenges”

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Plenary presentation of Natasa Kobal, PhD (Poland) and Assoc. Prof. Maciej Czaplewski, PhD (University of Szczecin, Poland): “Local and Expat Workforce in the United Arab Emirates” | Watch the recording on

Plenary presentation of Prof. Miroslava Peicheva, PhD, University of National and World Economy:
“Digital Remote Work – a Prerequisite for Innovation in the Activity of Human Resources” | Watch the recording on

Plenary presentation of Reinhard Grassl, Head of Sales Department at Mangold International, Germany:
“Scientific Video-based Behavioral Research Made Easy” | Watch the recording on

International Scientific – Practical Conference 2021
“Human Resource Management”

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Plenary presentation of Prof. Evgeni Stanimirov, PhD (University of Economics – Varna):
“Educational System Transformation – a Factor for a Successful Career” | Watch the recording on

Plenary presentation of Prof. Arne Berger, PhD (Anhalt University of Applied Sciences):
“Participatory Design in Human-computer Interaction” | Watch the recording on

Plenary presentation of Assoc. Prof. Maxim Bakaev, PhD (Novosibirsk State Technical University):
“Online Data: The Microscope for Labor Market Studies” | Watch the recording on

International Scientific – Practical Conference 2022
“Human Resource Management”

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Plenary presentation of Prof. DSc Tsvetan Davidkov (Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”):
“A Valuable Portrait Of The Generations In Bulgarian Organizations” | Watch the recording on

Plenary presentation of Aneta Key (founder of Aedea Partners LLC, USA):
“Distributed Workforce” | Watch the recording on

Plenary presentation of Assoc. Prof. Alaa Tag Eldin Mohamed, PhD (South Valley University, Egypt):
“Enhancing Role Of Human Resource Management In Digital Transformation Of Egyptian Universities” | Watch the recording on

Plenary presentation of Prof. Miguel Rodrigues de Magalhães, PhD (European Institute of Higher Education – Fafe, Portugal): “VUCA Times Demand Agile Teams” | Watch the recording on

International Scientific – Practical Conference 2023
“Human Resource Management”

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