Limit for paper submissions – up to two papers per participant – personally or as co-author.

  • Extent of paper: maximum 8 pages (A4), including figures, graphs, tables and literature sources.
  • Size of the white margins of the page in centimeters: 2.5 cm for all sides of the sheet.
  • Pages should not be numbered and should not have footnotes.
  • Papers must be written in .doc or .docx format (MS Office Word 97-2003 or higher).
  • The papers files must bears the name of its author (Example: first_name.doc).
  • Text formatting:

Paper Template (BG) Paper Template (EN)

Structure of the paper:

  • Title in English: not exceeding 100 characters.
  • Name of Author (s): First and last name of the Author / Authors.
  • Author (s) Affiliation: Full name of organization not abbreviation.
  • Abstract: The abstract is a mandatory element that should summarize the contents of the paper and should contain 80 – 100 words.
  • Keywords in English: at least three and maximum five keywords in Alphabetical Order. Keywords should be separated by semicolons. The first letter of each keyword should be capitalized.
  • JEL code: available at
  • Main part: text, tables, figures, reference formulas, data sources. This part can be divided into several subparts.
  • Tables: Tables inserted in text should be black and white and editable (tables should be formatted as text, not a picture). The tables should be cited in the text. The tables must be numbered in Arabic numerals. The word ‘Table’ and the numbers must be right-aligned. The table name is on a new row, centered. Tables larger than one page are not recommended. Below the table, the source of the information must be indicated, either that the information is the result of the author’s own research or that it is based on research by other authors.
  • Figures: The figures inserted in the text must be black and white and editable. The figures must be quoted in the text. The name of the figures is placed below them. Figures larger than one page are not recommended. Below the figure should be indicated the source of the information or that the information is the result of the author’s own research or that it is based on research by other authors.
  • Formulas: For formulas, use the MS Equation formula editor. The formulas must be centered and their sequence number, enclosed in parentheses, must be right-aligned.
  • References in the text: All references in the text must be enclosed in brackets containing the author’s surname, followed by the year of publication. In cases where the sentence already contains the author’s name, it is necessary to put only the year in brackets. When quoting several authors, use a semicolon to separate references: (Verlinde, 2009; Atkins & Rundell, 2008). To cite a page number, use the following format: (Rundell, 2012: 49) or (Rundell, 2012: 49-51). When the reference has more than three authors, only the name of the first author is cited, followed by others.
  • Subparts: Text, tables, figures, reference formulas, data sources.
  • Conclusion: May include findings from the study, recommendations for practice, limitations of the study and suggestions for further research.
  • Notes (if applicable): Footnotes are not recommended. If it is necessary to use the so-called “Notes”, they are indexed in Arabic numerals (please note that the numerical index follows the punctuation mark) and explained at the end of the report, before the list of references.
  • References: All sources cited in the list of references should be cited in the text. The bibliography is arranged alphabetically in a general list and numbered. The citation in the text (and the description of the sources used) is done according to the Harvard System of short references.

Papers that do not meet the described requirements will not be accepted.